Eco-Friendly Fitness – Green Your Workout Routine
Fitness is…well, not my strong suit. Once in awhile I’ll wake up with the spontaneous urge to get healthy and fit. I usually work out and eat better for a few days, but then I fall right back into my old habits. It’s definitely something I need to work on.
However, I know many people who are great about keeping up with a routine. My boyfriend is currently preparing for a marathon – I could never do that. At least, not without some huge life changes.
Whether you’re a fitness professional or you’re just hoping to start being healthier in the new year (like me), it is important to consider the impacts of your actions on the environment. Fitness and sustainability may not seem all that related, but no area of life is free of environmental impacts.
Let’s get fit and go green at the same time! Join me with the tips below for a healthier and more eco-friendly lifestyle.

Where to Work Out
No need for electricity – take advantage of a nearby outdoor space and do your workout there! A run through the neighborhood or a workout in your backyard or local park is a great change of pace from the gym. Nature can also be very relaxing, which is perfect for any yogis out there!
At Home
Maybe it’s in the single digits outside and you just can’t bring yourself to leave. Try working out at home! Turn on a workout DVD or simply find the type of workout you want on YouTube. Skipping the gym limits your emissions from the drive and the unnecessary energy usage at most gyms.
It’s cheaper, quicker, and even in a small home you can usually find a space to get a good workout in.
If You’re Set on Going to The Gym, Make Greener Choices
If you’re lucky, you may live near a gym that’s practicing sustainability in their business. However, this is currently not very likely. You can still make green choices, though! When you visit the gym, avoiding electric machines and instead using weights, boxes, your own bodyweight, etc. can limit your energy usage.
Consider bringing post-workout snacks, so you’re not tempted to buy something from the vending machine or the store down the street. You can also opt to walk or bike to the gym rather than drive when possible.
Go Without
There are plenty of great workouts that don’t require any equipment, so take advantage! Why buy pricey equipment when you can save money and still feel the burn?
Buy Second Hand
Consider buying your equipment from someone who doesn’t want theirs anymore. Check out your local thrift store, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or take equipment your friends and family no longer want. Then, when you don’t want your equipment anymore, be sure to pass it down to someone else!
Eco-Friendly Equipment Options
When buying new, research companies with eco-friendly manufacturing practices. There are some that even generate electricity while you exercise!
Getting equipment made in America (or your home country) is a greener choice, too, because it limits energy use and emissions necessary to transport the product to the U.S.
Some eco-friendly brands I’ve come across: Iron Company, Green Series, Cybex, and The Green Microgym. You can look and see if you’re local gym has any of this or other eco-friendly equipment as well, and choose to join those gyms over others.
Recycled/Biodegradable Yoga Mat
Most yoga mats contain harmful chemicals for your health and the environment. Consider some alternatives, such as cork mats, recycled mats, and biodegradable mats.
There are so many options for sustainable yoga mats. I’ll give you a list you can check out to find the right mat for you: Affirmats, Manduka, Prana, Jade (they plant a tree for every sale!), Barefoot Yoga Co., The Asanas, and so many more. There are also cork and bamboo yoga block options out there, too!
I currently have a mat I bought on amazon from a company called Clever Yoga that’s non-toxic, but once it wears out, I plan to buy a mat that is made of recycled materials and/or biodegradable.
Eco Conscious Clothing
What you wear to work out has an impact, too. I personally own several secondhand activewear items that I got for cheap at local thrift stores. Another way to make more sustainable clothing choices: look for items mades from organic cotton. Organic cotton is grown without harmful toxins, takes far less water to produce, and has countless other environmental benefits.
There are some great online stores out there with ethical clothing options. Check out this article from The Good Trade for a solid list. I’ve personally bought items from Pact and would recommend them. Mine have held up nicely (they’re still super soft!) and the prices are far more affordable than most ethical clothing brands.
Reusable Water Bottle
This is probably the easiest and most sensible change to your lifestyle, regardless of how much you exercise. Ditch the plastic bottle and take a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go! It’s silly to spend money on one-use plastic anyway. Plus, having a refillable water bottle can encourage you to drink the daily water you need. Keep track of your water intake with fun bottles like this one or this one!
Solar Battery for Charging up your Device
If you like working out to music, consider buying a solar powered battery to recharge your device! I have one of my own, and though I haven’t gotten the chance to use it much yet, so far so good! Click here to see it on Amazon.
Eat More Plants
Finally, a proper diet is as crucial for your health as exercise, if not more. I could dedicate a blog post and a half to the benefits of a plant based diet, so I’ll simply tell you that plant based foods use incredibly less resources than meat to produce and provide countless health benefits. Check out this Healthline article for a basic overview of why you should adopt a more plant based diet and some tips for doing so. Lowering your meat intake and increasing your plant intake is good for you and the planet!
We can be healthy without hurting our planet or the health of future generations. Let’s live healthier, greener lifestyles one small step at a time!
Do you have any tips for an eco-friendly and healthy routine? Let me know your favorites in the comments!
*Happy New Year!*